Friday, November 9, 2007

Time Tips...Well, I need some!

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This is good. A very, very good thing to do - especially if you, like me, need to take stock of your priorities.

I am hoping that by joining in this particular journey, I will be able to make myself make the time for the things that are most important. This should help. Being completely honest here is sure going to make me cringe!!!

My Typical Day (Monday through Friday)

4:45am - Alarm goes off. (I hit the snooze til 5:15 - yes, it takes that long for me to get up!)

5:15am - Shower, get dressed and ready for work. Hubby leaves for work at 5:45, so we pray that
Baby Bean sleeps til we are both off to work!

6:30am - Off to work til 3pm!

3:30pm - Home from work! Spend some time with my girls! This is the best part of my day!

4:15pm - Hit the gym. (Well, I try to anyway!)

5:00pm - Start dinner (Mondays - Tues & Wed we got to friends houses & Mondays I cook for all of us. This really helps the budget!)

6:30pm - Dinner time!
We eat, chit chat about our days, Little lady tells us stories, and baby bean gets lots of attention too!

8:00pm - Little lady begins bedtime routine. I get to end it with a story =)

8:30pm - If all goes well, little lady is tucked in, and Hubby and I are catching up on some TiVo!

9:00pm - Me time. I get to sit at the computer and just veg, really. Or, I clean and get ready for the
next day!Hubby gives baby bean her last bottle before nite nite! Typically we have to wake her to do this, and I hate waking a sleeping baby. But I hate being woken up at 3am more!

10:00pm - Lights out. 4:45 comes all too quickly.

What's Missing...
So, this is my typical work day. I am VERY much aware of a key element that is missing. I do not think it's physically possible for my body to get up any earlier (and Hubby wouldn't be so happy if the alarm went off any earlier, either!) I know that it would be perfect to start my day with my quiet time, and I am working on trying to get my body to get up at 5:00 instead of 5:15 so I will have at least 15 minutes before my wonderful mother gets here to take care of my girls. I just haven't figured out how to do it yet.

What's important...
Well, my time with Jesus is important, just seeming to be non-existent right now. My other big "important" is the time I spend with my family. I love to be with them, and just be silly, or even just quiet. Lately, I have to force myself to put aside the things that can wait, and spend the time they all deserve from me.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wow! It is so interesting to see each other's schedules. You have such a long day and getting up any earlier would just be such a chore. What if you have your quiet time at lunch or during a break? Just a thought! I'm so glad you're doing this.

Blessings and love,